online reviews

How Online Reviews Benefit You

As technology continues to blur the lines between traditional businesses and the Internet, the importance of online reviews is greater than ever. Especially when it comes to social networks. Whether you sell a product or provide a service, interaction through your social networks is vital to the growth of your brand.

Getting your company started out or looking to expand online? Tap into the organic resources of your users and customers. Online reviews contribute to growth in the same way word of mouth does. Because new customers rely on social networks and online reviews more than ever, you can accurately represent your company. 

Want to understand how online reviews through social networks can help your company? Look at our important tips below. Moreover, without online reviews, there’s very little chance of your company succeeding in this day and age.

The importance of online reviews

Customer Interaction

Social networks are an organic form of communication that is more powerful than ever. With this, online reviews are a great way to get people to talk about your company. The use of powerful social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google My Business are just a few ways to get customers talking about you.


Compared to traditional advertising, social networks, and online reviews are far more cost-effective. You can enjoy a wide range of exposure without having to spend money. 

Expanding your Brand

Succeeding in today’s competitive market requires you to grow your brand. Expanding your brand is the single biggest way to ensure that you are continuously relevant. When you use social networks and online reviews to grow your company name, you are guaranteeing yourself a customer base for many years to come.

Millions of Users

Popular social networks like Facebook or Twitter have millions of users that have never heard of you or your company. Unfortunately, chances are they won’t ever know of you, without some action on your part. Use online reviews to get your social network users on your side and they will pay dividends for you soon.

Organic Growth

Your social networks grow through organic reach. This means your audience is finding you by natural means. In turn, social networks connect users through common goals or interests, which can really drive up traffic to your website or your business.

Although the pay per click advertising online can achieve a similar result, you are always limited. Not only must you pay for each engagement, but you aren’t guaranteed any revenue. Use social networks and online reviews instead to reach customers in an organic method.


Having a promotion through your company is a good way to reach a new base of customers. Best of all, you don’t need to spend any money to do this, although it could help. All you need is a dedicated account for your business, and carefully crafted call to action elements to help drive and engage new customers to your company.

Giving away a coupon code or holding a contest is something that any social network beginner can do. Without spending any advertising dollars, you can achieve the kind of results that many companies pay thousands of dollars for.

The results you achieve will amaze you. It will leave you wondering why you never took advantage of social networks before. 

These tips are just a few of the real-world reasons why you need online reviews and social network engagement to expand your business and your brand. The need for social network interaction is greater than ever in today’s modern business. Don’t let your competition pass you by.

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Jamie Ziglar

Jamie joined FOGO Data Centers in 2020 as Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) and is responsible for national sales, marketing, advertising, and business development for the organization. He is also responsible for identifying new markets for expansion. LinkedIn | Alignable
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