Yasser Elnabarawy

Born and raised in the land of the pyramids, where more than 4500 years ago, thousands of people worked tirelessly to build such a miraculous structure. This is my heritage, filled with dedication, hard work and creativity.
I am the Marketing Coordinator for FOGO Solutions. I am passionate about what I do and how I do it, eager to apply all my energy and expertise to promote and help the success of my company.
I love to learn, learn and I believe there are millions of things to still learn. My passion is in technology which has an endless road of evolution.
What I love most is taking care of my family, spending quality time with my lovely wife and my beloved ones.
I always enjoyed hunting and fishing trips with my brother and my young nephew, I can hardly wait for my son to grow up a little bit to join us!

Unlock Maximum ROI with Precision Digital Ad Campaigns

Unlock Maximum ROI with Precision Digital Ad Campaigns

By Yasser Elnabarawy | September 11, 2024

Businesses face numerous challenges when it comes to standing out from the competition and reaching their target audience. With so many brands vying for consumer attention, paid advertising has become a powerful tool for ensuring your message gets noticed. However, not all digital ad campaigns are created equal. Precision in planning, targeting, and optimizing your […]

A man is analyzing user engagement with social media icons on his laptop.

Beyond Clicks: Understanding and Analyzing User Engagement Metrics

By Yasser Elnabarawy | March 7, 2024

In the world of digital marketing, where every click is a potential customer interaction, understanding user engagement metrics goes beyond the surface-level count of clicks. To truly optimize campaigns, marketers need to delve deeper into metrics that provide insights into user behavior and interaction. Let’s unravel the significance of user engagement metrics beyond clicks, focusing […]

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